Let’s Slip Into Something A Little More Comfortable

Ballet flats? So five years ago. Get with the times, people. They pinch the back of your feet, you feel like you’re walking barefoot on the sidewalk, and let’s face it- some people were just NOT made out to look like ballet dancers (though for the record, if you do go that route, ballet flats from Lacoste are your best bet- they’re like walking on clouds, no joke).

Anyway, back to the future  present, and the present is the LOAFER. I know what you’re thinking, the loafer has been around since the dawn of time, but you ain’t never seen a loafer like this one. Introducing the loafer, Jeffrey Campbell style.

Image via hipgirlie.com

Can you say Sparkling and Chic??? These come in an array of colors- INCLUDING TURQUOISEEEE- but including both black and white for those of you who like to keep your feet a little more modest (I do not fall into that category). Since these loafers are Jeffrey Campbell, you can be sure they are comfortable, as are all of their shoes. Seriously, I have a pair with 5 inch heels and two inch platforms that I could run a race in, if I were the type to run races… or run.

So go out, and get your foot shine on. Your tootsies will apprecitate it.